Email Templates

Email Templates


By utilizing email templates, administrators and editors can easily set up reusable messages to select when sending questionnaires.

The value of this is twofold:

  • Saves time by automatically populating the message sent to recipients.
  • Ensures your organization's communication has a consistent voice, even though the emails are being sent by a variety of people.


The steps to begin using email templates are as follows:

  • Use this documentation to create reusable email messages for questionnaires.
  • Have at least one questionnaire set up to send to recipients.
  • Select the applicable template when sending an email requesting responses to the questionnaire.

Accessing Email Templates

To access Email Templates, complete the following:

  1. Click Tools | Email Templates.

Creating an Email Template

On the Email Templates home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click New Email Template.

  2. Alternatively, If updating an existing template, click the linked Title of a questionnaire to edit.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Title/Subject - This text displays in the drop down for selection when a questionnaire is sent. Required.

    • Description - An explanation of template content - this is internal and will not be shown to the recipient of the email.

    • Greeting - The email salutation. If left blank, the default will be "Hi [Recipient name]".
    • Message - The text populating the form after the template is selected. Required.

    • Signature - The closing of the email.

    • Code - Will auto populate on save.

Where Email Templates Are Used

An email template can be selected when following the steps for sending a questionnaire. For additional information, please see Sending a Questionnaire.

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