Filter Query Help

Filter Query Help


The Filter Query can be found on the Data Export page, as well as at the top of several modules' home pages in classic mode.

Basic Filter

Type any word or phrase in the text search and you’ll get results based on all selected object fields. If the text box turns green, that means you’ve created a valid advanced filter expression.


Advanced Filter Functions

You can construct more thorough filter expressions by using some special keywords and tree column titles.

KeywordMeaningExamplesFilter results
~contains~ "login access"All objects containing phrase login access anywhere in object attributes

~ something

owner ~ johnAll objects that have john as part of the owner name
=equalsowner = "john doe"All objects that have john doe as an owner
!~does not containtitle !~ PCIAll objects that do not contain PCI in their title
!=is not equalstate !~ draftAll objects that are in different state thandraft
<, >lesser than greater than"modified date" < 03/03/2018All objects last time modified before March 3rd, 2018
<=, >=lesser then and equal or greater than and equal"modified date" <= 03/03/2018All objects last time modified before March 3rd, 2018, including that date
INis found inid IN [1,33,45]All objects that have id 1 or 33 or 45
ANDlogical ANDtitle ~ PCI AND owner = "john doe"All objects that contain word PCI in title and are owned by john doe
ORlogical ORcode ~ 111 OR "modified date" > 03/03/2018All objects that have 111 in code or are modified after March 3rd, 2018
ORDER BY ASC/DESCsort bytitle ~ PCI order by owner ascAll objects that contain PCI in the title, in ascending order by owner

title ~ PCI order by title descAll objects that contain PCI in the title in descending order


  • You can also use parentheses to create more complex searches like here: (title ~ PCI OR title ~ ISO) AND description ~ “needs to be”
  • Filters are case insensitive (example:title is the same as Title or TITLE)
  • AND has precedence over OR
  • Every time space (“ “) character is part of search phrase or filter expression you need to use quotes (“modified date” > 03/03/2015 AND “control title” ~ PCI)
  • Compatible date formats are MM/DD/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD

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