After Jira and ZenGRC are connected, you can select the Jira option when setting up an audit. This documentation shows where that option resides.
For overall information on integrating Jira and ZenGRC, please see Jira Connector.
Existing audits cannot be converted to Jira. The option can only be selected during the creation of a new audit after the ZenGRC and Jira integration is complete.
Step 1: Adding Basic Audit Information
To create a Jira audit, complete the following steps:
Click New in the left-hand navigation and Audit.
Complete the fields and select Jira in the Managed in drop-down.
The dropdown boxes that display when Managed in Jira is selected are determined by settings in the connected Jira instance.
In the Jira project dropdown, select a project.
This displays additional Jira dropdowns. Make selections for audit issue type, request issue type, and request issue link type.
The following selections only determine how Jira is structured and do not impact ZenGRC. For example, if you select "Epic" in the Audit issue type dropdown, your audit is created as an Epic in Jira. And the selection of "Task" in the Request issue type dropdown means all audit requests imported during audit set up will be created as Tasks in Jira.
Selections made in audit creation override settings chosen when establishing connection between your ZenGRC and Jira instances.
Click Next.
Once Next is clicked, you can no longer change where the audit is managed.
After following the steps to populate the Jira requests template, and then importing it, the page displays import details. For complete instructions on this step, please see Step 3: Setting up Audit Requests
Steps 4 and 5
Step 4 and 5 in audit creation are the same for Jira and regular audits.