In this step, you review objectives uploaded with the seed content and decide which section to scope them so that the section's compliance requirement is upheld. Since the interpretation of objectives vary, this step allows you to match the objectives with sections in a manner that makes the most sense for your organization.

Accessing the Scope Objectives Page
In the 2. Scope Objectives box below each program name on the Program Onboarding Wizard, complete the following:
- Click Scope Objectives Now.

- The Scope Objectives page displays.
Intro to the Scope Objectives Page
The Scope Objectives page is comprised of three columns as follows:
- Sections – A program is divided into sections to easily manage objectives.
- Objectives – These objectives can be added to a section.
- In-Scope Objectives – These objectives are scoped to the program.
Scoping Objectives
Objectives can be added to sections individually and in bulk. Alternatively, they can be removed individually and in bulk. Not all objectives apply to your organization. Review your organization's processes and transactions to decide applicable objectives
To scope objectives to the sections in your program, complete the following steps:
Access the Scope Objectives page.
- Select a section in the Sections column.

Review objectives available for scoping in the Objectives column.
- Click + beside the available objective. The objective is moved to the In-Scope Objectives column.

If all objectives meet the requirement of the section, click Add all +.
Select the next section in the Sections column. Notice that new objectives pertinent to the selected section display in the Objectives column. Objectives previously scoped to other sections display in the In-Scope Objectives column.
Continue selecting sections and adding relevant objectives until all objectives deemed important to your organization have been scoped.
Displaying Descriptions
To read descriptions of any section or objective displayed on the Scope Objectives page, complete the following steps:
Click Details below the name.
- Alternatively, click Hide Details to remove the description.

All columns on the Scope Objectives page are searchable with text boxes located below the section headings. Each search box scans text in the column it resides as well as descriptions in the Details link

Sections Search
No matter what section is selected in the Sections column, this search scans everything in the column.

Objectives Search
- Select a section in the Sections column.
- Enter text in the Objectives search box. It searches text in the column, which contains objectives not added to the selected section.

In-Scope Objectives Search
Select a section in the Sections column.
Enter text in the In-Scope Objectives search box. It searches text in the column, which contains objectives already added to the section.
Removing Objectives
Objectives can be removed from a section individually or in bulk.
Removing One Objective
To remove an individual objective from a program, complete the following steps:
- Select a section.
In the In-Scope Objectives column, click − beside the objective to move it to the Objectives column. It is no longer scoped.

Removing All Objectives
To remove all objectives from a selected program section at once, complete the following steps:
- Select a section.
In the In-Scope Objectives column, click Remove all − located at the top of the column to move all objectives to the Objectives column. They are no longer scoped.
Completing the Step
Once objectives are reviewed and added to support your compliance strategy, the step can be completed.
To finish this step, complete the following:
After reviewing all objectives and scoping the pertinent ones, click Complete.
Alternatively, click Save and continue later to save progress without finalizing the step. This saves your work and opens the onboarding wizard home page where the step is outlined in orange.