ZenGRC allows users to create customized fields within the details page of any object in the application
Creating a Custom Attribute
To create a custom attribute, complete the following steps:
Click Create new | object type.
In place of object type, select the ZenGRC form where the new custom field will display. For example, if the field is for an assessment, select Assessment in the dropdown. Once created, the new field will be added to all current and new assessments.
A dialog box displays with custom attribute fields.
Click the dropdown under Attribute type and select the field format.
For instructions on each attribute type, please see Attribute Types.
- Add a title in the Title text box.
Select Mandatory to make the field required.
Selecting Mandatory places an astrisk beside the field and does not allow a save until an action is made.
Add information in the Help text text box.
The Help text text box displays a question mark icon next to the custom attribute. The information you enter in this text box will display when a user hovers over the icon.
The rest of the fields for a custom attribute vary depending on the type selected. For more information, please see Attribute Types.
Attribute Types
Rich Text