Entering IdP Metadata from Okta →
Please expand the drop-down below, Entering Metadata from Okta, for a step-by-step guide on Entering SSO Details for Okta into ZenGRC.
Entering IdP Metadata from Onelogin →
Please expand the drop-down below, Entering Metadata from Onelogin, for a step-by-step guide on Entering SSO Details for Onelogin into ZenGRC.
Entering IdP Metadata from Azure AD →
Please expand the drop-down below, Entering Metadata from Azure, for a step-by-step guide on Entering SSO Details for Azure into ZenGRC.
Entering IdP Metadata from ADFS →
Please expand the drop-down below, Entering Metadata from ADFS, for a step-by-step guide on Entering SSO Details for ADFS into ZenGRC.
Entering IdP Metadata Unlisted IdPs →
Please expand the drop-down below, Can’t find your IdP?, for a step-by-step guide on Entering SSO Details into ZenGRC