Looker Connector





Many ZenGRC customers are using Looker as a way to run reports from their data warehouse.

ZenConnect supports the integration with Looker to fetch those reports and supply them as evidence within ZenGRC.

Continue reading to learn how to complete the Looker integration with ZenGRC.


One example of the ZenConnect & Looker integration includes the following:

A PCI requirement may include, ‘asset inventory.’

When an audit is created in ZenGRC, an Evidence Request will most likely be required to provide the asset inventory housed within your Looker Instance.

Looker pulls information from your other in-house data warehouse sources, yielding reports containing your current data status.

The ZenConnect integration with Looker supports having a ZenGRC control with a request for evidence, which can be satisfied by the data contained in your Looker reports.



ZenGRC will offload the manual gathering of data through automation. You can be confident the data is always up to date and provide visibility. The fetcher may also provide evidence in the control(s) to satisfy multiple requirements.


Looker Configuration

→ Go into Looker

Before you begin configuring Looker within ZenGRC, please confirm the user who is going to perform this setup.

Once a user has been designated, please perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to Looker

  2. Go to admin

  3. Scroll down to users, then choose user

  4. Choose Edit for the user chosen to perform the Looker / ZenGRC integration

  5. Scroll down to API3 Keys and choose Edit Key

  6. If this is a new API connection for this user, choose New API3 Key

  7. Copy + paste the Client ID and Client Secret into ZenGRC


Click to enlarge


→ Go into ZenGRC

Once you have obtained the Client ID and Client Secret from your Looker instance, you will now enter that information into ZenGRC.

To access the Looker integration from the sidebar navigation:

  1. Settings

  2. ZenConnect

  3. Looker

  4. Connect

Before proceeding with setup,

Please confirm that you have correctly entered your Looker Instance API URL in the first field.

For example, https://companyXYZ.cloud.looker.com.

You may find yours in your browser, be sure to provide only the ‘root’ / ‘base’ page URL




After you have successfully entered the Client ID and Client Secret into ZenGRC, please perform the following steps to complete the Looker integration setup:

  1. Click ‘Test Connection.' A notification for a successful connection will pop up.

  2. During Test Connection, you should see queries populate within the screen

  3. Then click Save: and here you can select the queries you want to fetch data from (i.e. Events)




Once all the above steps are successfully completed, please see Working with Fetchers, Controls, and Requests


→ After a fetcher pulls data into ZenGRC, the information must be attached and mapped to a control prior to adding it to a request. 

→ Anyone with rights to create an audit against a control has the ability to associate fetchers with requests. The linked documentation above is to be used after integration is set up between ZenGRC an evidence source, like Looker.


→ Modify Query Filters

After you have completed the integration setup steps above, you may need to modify the queries that are now available in ZenGRC.

Learn more below.

The Filter Key represents the columns within your Looker reports.

For example, the Columns/”Filter Keys” in the Product Looker report displayed are:

  • Brand

  • Category

  • Department

  • Distribution

  • ID

  • Item Name

  • Retail Price

  • SKU

Within the query in the Looker setup page, you will see those same column heading titles displayed as choices under the Filter Key drop-down menu (see, COLUMN NAMES IN LOOKER REPORT & FILTER KEY OPTIONS images)




Filter Values help to modify the yield of the query results.

For example, in the Products Looker Report (see COLUMN NAMES IN LOOKER REPORT image) there is a Department Field, which can be leveraged in modifying the query (See, FILTER KEY OPTIONS image)

Additionally, when leveraging the Looker integration to fetch the desired data to satisfy Evidence Requests in ZenGRC, the query yield can be exported in the following formats (see FETCHER RESULTS FORMATS image)

  • inline_json

  • json

  • json_detail

  • json-fe

  • csv

  • html

  • md

  • txt

  • xlsx

  • gsxml





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