SSO Setup Part 4: Enable SSO

SSO Setup Part 4: Enable SSO


In this final part of the setup process, you’ll enable the SSO login option, test that you’re able to log into ZenGRC using that option, and then disable other unwanted login options.

On this page


Part 4: Enabling SSO

Enabling the SSO Login Option for ZenGRC End-Users


Step 1 →

If you aren't already there, navigate to Settings | Authentication and select Edit Settings




Step 2 →

Select the SAML 2.0 checkbox and enable the Debug mode toggle.

NOTE: ZenGRC will prevent you from disabling other authentication options until you've successfully logged in using SAML 2.0 / SSO.



Step 3 →

Log out of ZenGRC.




Step 4 →

On the ZenGRC log in page, select Sign in with SSO.

NOTE: If there are issues with the settings, and you have the Debug mode toggle on, they should display here.



Step 5 →

Access Settings | Authentication.




Step 6 →

Deselect any unwanted authentication methods.



Step 7 →

Deselect the Debug Mode toggle switch.



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