Step 5. Review and launch

Step 5. Review and launch


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Step 5. Review and launch

You are now at the final stage of Program Setup. Here, you will review and confirm all of the information gathered during the previous 4 steps:

  • Program managers involved

  • The time frame of the Audit Program

  • The number of controls to be assessed

  • The specific framework

  • The number of requirements tied to those controls

If you need to Go back and edit, you may do so before launching the audit.

Launch audit in ZenComply triggers an auto-generation of all the Evidence Requests that are mapped to the Control Assessors.


How do I Review and launch?

You will review all of what was entered thus far in Program set up by confirming the information entered is correct (see above).

Review and launch is a significant step to perform before ZenComply automatically creates records specific to the needs of the user(s).

Launch audit puts into motion all Program records like the frameworks, requirements, controls, requests, assessments

Insight & Helpful tips

Choose the Go back option at this time in the Program Setup to modify information that needs to be corrected before the audit is launched and the Control Assessors are emailed Evidence Requests.

What am I viewing?

Launch the first Audit within the Program by reviewing the scoped framework, requirements, controls, and audit details

Note in the blue message box: email notifications will be sent to Program manager(s) and CXontrol assessor(s) that were identified during Program setup

If needed, Go Back to previous Ssions to change information before launching your first Program.



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