Logging in to ZenComply

Logging in to ZenComply

ZenComply Help

How do I first Log in to ZenComply?

Follow the instructions below to support your first login into ZenComply:

  1. Look for the ZenComply invitation sent to your Email

  2. Follow the Link Provided within the Email message to the ZenComply Login page

  3. Navigate to and provide entries in the blank values for your:

    1. First name,

    2. Last name,

    3. Create a Password

  4. Choose the Continue button below the Log-in credentials

  5. Choose the organization

    1. Note: the organization will default to the organization from which you were assigned the role

  6. Navigate from there to perform Program Setup or Audit functions within ZenComply


Invitation Expiration

  • The email invite will expire within 24 hours

  • An email sent with a reset link will expire within 72 hours



What am I viewing?

A new ZenComply user performing all of the login steps and successfully logging in to ZenComply after having been invited by another user.



ZenComply Help


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