
Many of the ZenGRC modules feature an updated look with new navigation and editing capabilities on the home pages. This allows for the following:


Multiple activities can be performed without clicking into an individual item. And opening an individual item in the details page provides additional information to add or update.

This tutorial provides general instructions for the home pages and details pages that can be applied to most ZenGRC modules.


The screenshot above is a representation of the Programs home page. Each module differs in content and headings because of the customization. 

Accessing a Module's Home Page

A module's home page opens after clicking a link in the left-hand navigation. If instructions tell you to access a module's home page, this section provides you with general steps for completion.

The following open the corresponding module's home page when clicked and use the navigation instructions in this documentation:

The left-hand navigation links with > are typically for administrators. When clicked, they open sub links for additional choices which then open a module's home page.

The Audits module opens with visual display that differs in navigation. For instructions on navigation in Audits, please see Accessing the Audits Page.

Searching in the Left-Hand Navigation

If you are uncertain where a certain module resides in the left-hand navigation, you can utilize the search functionality located between the blue New button and the top of the navigation.

To search the left-hand navigation, complete the following:

  1. Click within the search box and type a module name.

    Results display in real time and show the links below the primary categories.

  2. Click one of the results to access the page.

Actions on a Module's Home Page

For information on finding a module's home page, please see Accessing a Module's Home Page.

Changing Headings

To change headings that display at the top of a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. In the top right of the page, click the gear icon.

  2. The Setup Visible Table Columns select box displays with heading options.

  3. Select or deselect the columns to display.
  4. Click Apply. The new selections display in the page's headings.
  5. Alternately, click Reset to return the headings to the default selections. 

    The default settings for the columns displayed vary from module to module.

Sorting Data

To sort data displayed on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the heading you want to filter. This highlights the heading and displays the sort and filter icons.

  2. Click the arrow icon to sort the column in an ascending or descending order.

Filtering Data

This option enables users to filter data based on existence of mappings which then allows for gap analysis.

To filter data displayed on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the heading you want to filter. This highlights the heading and displays the sort and filter icons.

  2. Click the filter icon. 

  3.  A dropdown displays.

  4. In the Contains dropdown box, select from the following:
    1. Greater than or equal to
    2. Does not equal
    3. Less than or equal to
    4. Equals
    5. Contains
    6. Greater than
    7. Less than
    8. Does not contain
  5. In the Filter by value text box, enter the pertinent filtering information.

  6. Click Filter.
  7. Alternatively, click Reset to close the dialog box and remove the content.

Removing All Filters

To remove filters applied to all headings, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Reset Filters link at the top of the page.

  2. The page reverts to the display prior to filtering.
  3. Alternatively, click the filter icon within the heading to display a dropdown box.

  4. Click Reset.

Editing an Item

To edit an item's information on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the column containing the information. A blue pencil icon displays.

  2. Click the pencil icon. A dialog box displays.

    The dialog box contents and actions differ depending upon the field selected for editing.


  3. Edit the item's attributes, and click Save.
  4. Alternatively, click Cancel or the x at top right to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Editing Multiple Selections at Once

To edit multiple items on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the check boxes beside the items to be edited.

    To edit all items, click the check box in the heading. This selects or deselects all items displayed on the page. If there are additional pages in the module, those items will not be selected. To edit the number of items displayed on a page, please see Changing the Number of Rows on a Page.

  2. When more than one item is selected, a bar displays at the top with options distinct to the column headers selected for the module.

    The headings displayed on the page are customizable and may differ from module to module.

  3. Select Edit values and the data to be changed.

  4. A dialog box displays.

    Selections in the dialog box differ depending upon the selection and module.

  5. Make the changes.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Alternatively, click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.
  8. Once saved, all changes populate the home page.

Mapping and Unmapping

You can map or unmap items directly from each module's home page.

To map an item, complete the following steps:

  1. First, select one or more item on the home page.

    To select all items at one time, please see Editing Multiple Selections at Once.

  2. Click Map/Unmap.

  3. On the Object Mapper page, click Select object type.

  4. Select the object type.

    This is a radio button and only one can be selected.

  5. To futher refine your search, click the dropdown arrow in the Mapping relevance filters and make a selection.

    This is an optional step and activates the Select object dropdown box. If you are searching for specific information, this returns results that match all criteria.

  6. Click Select.
  7. The page refreshes with columns for (Selected Object) mapped and Available (Selected Object).

    Column names depend on the object type selected on the Select object type page.

  8. Select an item under Available objects.

  9. Review options for adding to or removing from the selection.
  10. Click Complete at page bottom.

Exporting a CSV File

To export a CSV file with information displayed on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Actions | Export CSV.

  2. The file downloads in the manner specified in the browser.

Downloading a Zip File

To download a zip file with information displayed on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Actions | Download ZIP.

  2. The file downloads in the manner specified in the browser.

Changing the Number of Rows on a Page

To change the number of rows displayed on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow beside the Rows per page located at the bottom of your screen.

  2. Select a number in the drop-down. The page refreshes with the selected number of rows.

Displaying the Tree View

The tree view provides a visual narrative of your compliance program. Your mappings between people, objectives, programs, policies, standards, audits, and processes are clearly displayed. The further down the tree you go, the deeper the detail. 

To display the tree view on a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the gray arrow next to an item.


    If the module's home page does not display items with arrows, then the tree view is not enabled on that page.


  2. Mappings related to the item are displayed beneath it.

  3. Continue selecting categories to drill into the tree. 

Editing the Tree View

The tree view can be edited using the Map/Unmap option on home pages. Please see Mapping and Unmapping.

The Details Page

Once an item's details page is accessed from a module's home page, there are additional fields to view and edit.

Accessing the Details Page

The example below uses the Programs home page. For instructions on how to open a module's home page, please see Accessing a Module's Home Page.

To access details of an item from a module's home page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click a linked item.

  2. The details page displays with a link at the top to go back to the selected home page.

    Certain items, such as programs, have extremely long descriptions. Additional fields can be found by scrolling down.

Sub Tab Overview

There are four sub tabs on a details page that provide valuable information.


This is the default tab after clicking a link on any home page and contains information such as notes, start dates, and any applicable URLs. Once you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll see the information in the Details sub tab.

Information on this page can be edited. Please see Editing the Details Page.

Mapped Objects

The Mapped Objects sub tab provides the same detail and editing capabilities for the selected item that the tree view provides on the home page.

For information on navigating within the Mapped Objects sub tab, please see Displaying the Tree View.


The History sub tab displays all edits and changes for the selected item. It cannot be edited or sorted.

Sent Surveys

The majority of ZenGRC modules display a running history of surveys sent, along with the ability to send new surveys. And when surveys are returned, they are then linked to the responses.

For information on surveys, please see Surveys.

Editing the Details Page

To edit information on a details page, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the desired field. A blue pencil displays to the right of the field.

    The majority of fields are editable, even if they do not appear to be. To discover the editable areas, hover over each field. If a blue pencil displays, the field is editable.

  2. Click the blue pencil. A dialog box displays.

    Selections in the dialog box differ depending upon the field.

  3. Make the changes.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Alternatively, click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Attaching a File

Adding a Comment

The comment field is found in the lower right-hand corner of the details page, and can only be found on the Vendors and Infosec Risks modules.

To add a comment, complete the following steps:

  1. Write notes in the text field and click Send.

All comments are sorted by date and are located in the top right-hand corner.

Comments cannot be edited once you click Send.

Reading a Comment

The display of a red balloon icon on the home page indicates an unread message.

Once the linked Title is clicked and the Details page displays, the comments are considered read.

When a comment is read, the red balloon icon reverts to gray for the user who opened the item.


Navigating with the Keyboard

ZenGRC allows for certain keyboard shortcuts to be used. They include the following: