Weighting-specific best practices:
- For example, 1-10 with 1 being the least impact and 10 being the most impact. For a question who’s answer minimally impacts risk, assign a weight of 1 to this question. Alternatively, for a question who’s answer has the greatest impact on risk, assign a weight of 10 to this question.
- Option 1: Yes (Multipler = 0. Thus, weight of 10 x multiplier of 0 = risk score of 0, meaning that by being SOC 2 compliant, no risk is identified.)
- Option 2: No (Multiplier = 1. Thus, weight of 10 x multiplier of 1 = risk score of 10, meaning that by not being SOC 2 compliant, great risk is identified.)
- For example, Question C.1 - Is your organization SOC 2 compliant? (Assigned weight is 10, meaning that the answer to this question has the greatest impact on risk to my organization.)
- Option 1: Non-existent. No defined information security program. (Multipler = 2. Thus, weight of 5 x multiplier of 2 = risk score of 10, meaning that great risk is identified.)
- Option 2: Ad-hoc. Some documented processes to capture infosec compliance. (Multipler = 1. Thus, weight of 5 x multiplier of 1 = risk score of 5, meaning that some risk is identified.)
- Option 3: World class. Compliant with numerous infosec frameworks. (Multipler = 0. Thus, weight of 5 x multiplier of 0 = risk score of 0, meaning that no risk is identified.)
- For example, Question D.1 - How would you characterize your organization’s overall information security program? (Weight = 5)
- “See attached ‘SOC 2’ report to Question C.1.1. Not a true SOC 2 report.”
- For example, my recipient answered Yes to Question C.1 - Is your organization SOC 2 compliant? I had created a file upload subquestion (C.1.1) asking my recipient to upload their most recent report (but assigned a weight of 0 to this file upload question). After reviewing the attached file, I realize that it is not a true SOC 2 report. Therefore, as I review the questionnaire responses, I write a comment that states:
- When changing Risk Rating of a vendor object for this reason, ALWAYS input a comment in the text box below the “New value” dropdown to capture why (with associated user make the change and date/time stamp captured).
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